![]() So much trouble in the world. I trust we're naming these things, praying about them, and meeting each other with as much equanimity as we can muster and as much grace as we are given. If you're like me, you want to do something that "matters.” But what? That "really matters?" The other day, my walk took me past the Glendale Elementary School flagpole, which reminded me of Ivey Mae Lewis, and a story I want to share about “doing something that matters.” So much trouble in the world. I trust we're naming these things, praying about them, and meeting each other with as much equanimity as we can muster and as much grace as we are given. If you're like me, you want to do something that "matters.” But what? That "really matters?" The other day, my walk took me past the Glendale Elementary School flagpole, which reminded me of Ivey Mae Lewis, and a story I want to share about “doing something that matters.” Ivey Mae’s name, along with dozens of others, is carved on a plaque near the flagpole, honoring those who made significant donations to the school. Ivey Mae went to my church, and I knew her only slightly as a retired first grade teacher with slow drawl and gorgeous Betty Davis eyes. One day, to make conversation, I asked about her career. She was silent a minute, looked me over, and said quietly, almost whispering, like it was a secret, “I taught nearly a thousand children to read.” I burst into tears. Can you imagine how that would feel? To know you gave the world a thousand readers? This puts me in mind of the old hero storyline: After great challenges, those who follow their call finally reach the point of “receiving the boon,” where they experience such bliss, riches, insight, or meaningful wounding (or all of the above) that they can hardly stand up to walk back home. But remember: the point of the journey is not receiving the boon. The point of the journey is sharing the boon. So whatever it is that transforms and enlightens you, that reveals your true self, that opens worlds and saves your soul and reunites you to the human race and shows you your true Belovedness – that is only half the story. Now you have to bring back that Gift to your ordinary world. Remember this too: as we travel back, blessed and burdened by the discovery of our essential Gift, the boon transforms us. Who we are and what we bring are re-created by the journey. Maybe you discover your essential belovedness – and it turns to acts of compassion that bewilder you. Or you discover your creativity – and you find yourself engaging the divine possibility in any situation. Surrendering fear manifests in curiosity about everything frightening or strange. By the time you return, the Gift is not what you give – it’s what makes a Giver out of you. Over time, your offerings might change, but always at the heart of them is the lively, essential relationship between you, and your Gift, and the Giver. Dreams are one way we learn how to embody our Gift. For now, dreams lead me to sharing dreamwork. But being a dreamworker isn't the boon, nor is it the main way I am called to share the gift, which, as best as I can say at the moment, is the shocking awareness of my essential belovedness. What am I to do in this disorienting hour in our collective history? I really do not know. But in my dream I see a wounded wolf outside the church door - and I'm sure that a right response to the current situation will feel like a loving, courageous response that wolf. The Dreamgiver and the Giftgiver are one and the same. Staying in alignment with that sacred source makes it possible to respond from soul, not ego. Ivey May must have had a powerful encounter with the BoonGiver. Clearly, it graced her with whatever it took to walk through the door of a first-grade classroom every day, for decades, and teach a thousand children to read. And you? May you remember your Gift - the freely given grace that you’ve had to struggle so nobly to receive. Listen for your calling – now, in this time - that shapes your Gift to meet the needs and longings of the world’s heart. Let's help each other stay aligned with that. Our world needs your giving to come from there. One more thing: Don't be surprised if it you never know what it is that you give: few of us can point to a thousand readers, and I know Ivey Mae gave those children much more than literacy skills. Just trust, as Paul says, the Source who "by the power within us, is able to accomplish far more than all we can ask or imagine." Deep dream blessings, Laura P.S. About Ivey Mae’s husband: He had some other kind of encounter with the Boongiver and I can only say that he converted the garage into a Jungle Room with a wraparound mezzanine, fake zebra rugs, and a Wurlitzer on which he played 40’s swing tunes in his Hawaiian shirts amongst the trailing vines. He brought home some Boon, let me tell you. If your Gift is wild joy, live it large. I've learned that Zoom space is a real place, a thin place –and it is made for liminal sharing and honest intimacy. For now, all groups are on Zoom. It works! "Me reading my dream journal!" (a card from Carrie, FBN dreamer) Summer dream groups are about to start. Email me to learn more: [email protected]. Thursday nights and Monday afternoons are open for new dreamers! You can dreamgroup from anywhere! ********************** If you’re having puzzling, powerful dreams lately, let’s do some 1:1 dreamwork to learn how the “wholemaking nearness of God” is transforming you and your world. Pandemic pricing extends through June. Go to www.firebynight.net to learn more. Thursday nights and Monday afternoons are open for new dreamers! You can dreamgroup from anywhere! If you’re having puzzling, powerful dreams lately, let’s do some 1:1 dreamwork to learn how the “wholemaking nearness of God” is transforming you and your world. Pandemic pricing extends through June. Go to www.firebynight.net to learn more. ![]() FOR THE JUNG AT HEART Join us by Zoom to discuss Jung’s wonderfully readable autobiography, Memories, Dreams, Reflections. We will talk about Chapters 5-8 on Sunday June 14, 2:30-4:30. So that we can send your invitation, please register at https://www.nashvillejungcircle.org/onlinebookdiscussion. (Free) DREAMING AT THE LIBRARY: In June, Elizabeth Sanford and I are teaching an online class on how to turn your dream into a fairy tale and create a Dream Story Book. Follow me on Instagram to learn when it’ll post. LauraHuffDreamworker. (Free) Boongiving and Givebooning is happening all the time.Here’s a song that describes how it works in psychospiritual terms: “The Wholemaking Nearness of God” from one of our Haden Institute stars: teacher, musician, and dreamworker Sheri Kling. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RPPKh0-otoA&t=10s (You can just dance to it and understand it that way if you don't catch the lyrics.) My grandmother, Mattie Lou HIxon, with one of her many many first grade classes. She had the Gift too.
August 2022